Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What are the brands for botulinum toxin cosmetic approved in the United States?

There are three main brands. Botox, Dysport and Xeomin,

Due to differences in pharmacokinetics (the manner in which these drugs are processed by the body) there are slight differences in the injection techniques and in the quantities injected but the results are generally similar.

Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA, Allergan) was first approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1989. Dysport (abobotulinumtoxinA, Medicis) in 2009 and more recentlyl Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA, Merz) obtain FDA approval in 2010. These three drugs are used for cosmetic and medical purposes including for treatment of cervical dystonia and blepharospasm. Please visit for more information. Because of these features, each of these drugs may diffuse differently in tissues, in part because Botox and Dysport have protective proteins covering the botulinim toxin molecule, primarily around its active sites, while Xeomin has no protective proteins.

Botox has a "coat" of protective proteins and weighs about 900 kD molecular weight. Dysport contains two main complexes of 500 kD and 300 kD and botulinum toxin. Xeomin complexes are smaller.

Therefore, these complexes diffuse differently in the tissues after injection. For example, Xeomin is going to diffuse more extensively. These features may increase the variability in effects from patient to patient and make the conversion in units of one brand to the other not straightforward. Experience and expertise in their use is important in achieving the desired results.

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